mercoledì 30 aprile 2014

Who are the most satisfied type of expats? Post by HSBC Expat Project

For those who dream of the life that expatriation offers, it would appear that expats live an unparalleled lifestyle—simultaneously working and globetrotting, hopping from one exotic beach to another or experiencing a culture so ancient that every weekend is brimming with enthralling adventures to pursue. What a life! It could surely inspire travelling’s greatest critics.

Inspiringexpats, however, is a completely different ball game altogether. It is not impossible though. Expats tend to listen to other expats’ tales of adventure when deciding upon their next holiday or home. Those expats who are the happiest with their lifestyle are typically those who inspire other expats the most—so who are the most satisfied expats?

The social animal
Asia is currently a hotspot for satisfied expats.  Social circles are created quickly there; they’re also bigger as well as stronger. Social life in Asia is a way of life rather than a means to use up some spare time. Those expats who do not invest enough in their social lives will, in fact, be missing out on a whole new, exciting and extremely rewarding dimension of what life abroad can provide.

The all-rounder
Expats who manage to successfully balance work with social life are great characters to go to for a real picture of where they have been. They have so much more to say about a place than simply work or perhaps what is around the Central Business District. They’ll tell you about the best restaurants from an expat and a local’s point of view, and they’ll delve into hilarious stories of nights out with friends and why that location was the best place to be in at that time with those friends.

The wanderer
There is a particular group of expats who are happiest when climbing a mountain in Sri Lanka or trekking through a jungle in Borneo. It’s as if they were born to step out of their comfort zone and so they are either partaking in said adventure or planning what adventure will be their next. This group is also extremely happy with what they have managed to achieve, learn and get out of life. Their stories of camp fires on Mongolia’s Gobi Desert or going barefoot on Salar de Atacama (the salt flats in Chile).

Get some inspiration, you never know where it might take you!

This guest blog post was written by Expat Explorer, brought to you by HSBC Expat.

martedì 29 aprile 2014

Day out idea: National Maritime Museum

What a wonderful day today! I turned into a sailor-bear and went to the National Maritime Museum! It's huge, on 3 floors (Ground, 1 and 2) and full of different areas to explore for adults and children. 

I went through the age of explorers discovering new worlds, learning all the risks of the sea and the rules of safety, enjoyed the ship-simulators and had a look to different maps and instruments.
Once outside you'll reach Cutty Sark, that has travelled around the world until 1922, when it was preserved as national jewel due to his beauty and expeditions. 
The website will give you a lot of informations about opening times, collections and exhibitions:
I went home with a lot of images in my mind, singing along this famous Dire Straits song, ready to dream my sails to spread to the wind.


Che giornata oggi! Mi sono trasformato in un orsetto-marinaio e sono andato al National Maritime Museum! E' enorme, su 3 piani (terra, 1 e 2) e pieno di aree diverse da esplorare per adulti e bambini.

Sono passato attraverso il periodo degli esploratori scoprendo con loro nuovi mondi, imparando i rischi del mare e leggi per la sua sicurezza, ho provato i simulatori delle navi e dato un'occhiata a mappe e strumenti.

Appena fuori si può raggiungere Cutty Sark, la nave che ha viaggiato tutto il mondo prima di essere donata alla nazione nel 1922 per la sua fama e bellezza.
Sul sito troverete moltissime informazioni utili su orari di visita e mostre permanenti e temporanee

Me ne sono tornato a casa con tante immagini in mente, canticchiando una famosa canzone dei Dire Straits, pronto a sognare di aprire le mie vele al vento.

mercoledì 9 aprile 2014

A new view on London-town

Here I am, again! My goodness, one month is gone so quickly and I have been so busy I have forgotten to appear in my blog.

I hope you are all feeling well, now that spring is arrived.
I have had a lot of things to do for my new hole, but now I am settled and happy and ready to explore new corners of London.
The pictures in this post are taken from the Royal Observatory in the middle of Greenwich Park.
There's an amazing view from there, it's really breathtaking. You can see the O2 Arena, Canary Wharf buildings and loose yourself until the City, the Shard and, in the brightest days the London Eye also.
It seems to be the perfect way to welcome the warm months coming with London in your pocket!

E' passato un mese e sono stato così occupato con la mia nuova tana che mi sono dimenticato di apparire nel mio blog!
Spero stiate tutti bene ora che è arrivata anche la primavera. Io ho avuto davvero tanto da fare, ma ora sono sistemato, felice e pronto a godermi nuovi angoli di Londra!
le foto di questo post sono state scattate al Royal Observatory in pieno Greenwich Park.

C'è una vista fantastica da là, da togliere il fiato, si può vedere la O2 Arena, i palazzi di Canary Wharf e perdersi fino alla City, lo Shard e nei giorni più limpidi anche il London Eye.
Mi sembra il modo migliore per dare il benvenuto ai mesi più caldi, con Londra in tasca!