Ci sono mille modi e varianti per farla, ci si può sbizzarrire in ogni modo.
It 'Sunday, we're in London, it rains even if the sun is trying to make his way among the clouds, so here's a nice summer recipe typically English, which most can not: the Jacket Potato.
There are a thousand ways and variations for it, you can indulge in every way
Una volta pronta incidetela a X e togliete un po' di polpa per creare il contenitore.
After washing the potato for good (I recommend you eat with the skin then remove all the earth) it is cooked. Traditionally, the cooking goes in the oven, then obviously it depends on what you have available, you can prick and put in the oven, you can also help by boiling a bit 'then in the oven to make sure it is well cooked also in (prepares a whole, should not be cut, so it must be ready even in the middle). On average, the cooking time is 35/40 minutes if boiled, 6/7 minutes at 800 W if the microwave, but if you put it in the oven at 180 ° leave at least an hour (this would be the best solution.)
Per l'occasione abbiamo cotto in padella con un filo d'olio un po' di bacon (un cucchiaio pieno per intenderci), tagliato a scaglie un cubetto di Medium Cheddar Cheese e uno di Red Leicester Cheese.
Adagiate le scaglie di formaggio nel cuore caldo e lasciatelo un po' nel cartoccio con la stagnola affinchè si fonda per bene, aggiungete il bacon a dadini sopra e tutto intorno.
Once ready create a X in the middle and remove some 'pulp to create the container. At this point you can really launch yourself in any kind of filling. For the occasion, we cooked in a pan with a little olive oil a bit 'of bacon (a spoon full for instance), shaved a cube of Medium Cheddar Cheese and one of Red Leicester Cheese. Arrange the slivers of cheese in the middle and let it warm a bit 'in the foil with the foil so that it relies for good, add the diced bacon over and all around. As I said, the variations are endless: here is a version of Jamie Oliver Taste and enjoy the summer!
Come vi dicevo le varianti sono veramente infinite:
ecco una versione di Jamie Oliver
Assaggiate e godetevi l'estate!!!
è strano leggere una ricetta da te, e in questo momento...quando la farò ti penserò sempre!