Come vola il tempo! Il mese di ottobre è stato spettacolare con l'autunno che si è finalmente mostrato in tutta la sua meraviglia, ma avremo modo di parlarne.
Oggi voglio raccontarvi di Halloween, passata da appena qualche giorno e ricchissima di novità e spunti per vedere Londra sotto una luce diversa.
How time flies! The month of October has been spectacular with the autumn that has finally shown in all its wonder, but we will talk.
Today I want to tell you about Halloween, grown from just a few days and full of new ideas to see London in a different light.
How time flies! The month of October has been spectacular with the autumn that has finally shown in all its wonder, but we will talk.
Today I want to tell you about Halloween, grown from just a few days and full of new ideas to see London in a different light.
Non potevo certo andare in letargo proprio ora che iniziamo a divertirci, anche perchè, come potrete vedere, non mancano le provviste per l'inverno!
Dunque la giornata del 31 ottobre è stata grigissima fin dal primo mattino, perfetta per il giorno degli spiriti, un vento gelido soffiava e le foglie volavano e danzavano nell'aria di tanto in tanto come se volessero invitare gli spettri a ballare.
Passeggiando per i parchi, corvi e cornacchie fissavano i passanti, così ho voluto far loro compagnia, anche se, in quanto orsetto, risultavo molto meno spaventoso.
I certainly could not go into hibernation now that we begin to have fun, also because, as you can see, there are supplies for winter!
So the day of October 31st was dark grey since early morning, perfect for the day of the ghosts, a cold wind was blowing and the leaves danced in the air and flew from time to time as if to invite the ghosts to dance. Walking through the parks, ravens and crows staring at passers-by, so I wanted to join them, though, being a bear, I was much less scary.
I certainly could not go into hibernation now that we begin to have fun, also because, as you can see, there are supplies for winter!
So the day of October 31st was dark grey since early morning, perfect for the day of the ghosts, a cold wind was blowing and the leaves danced in the air and flew from time to time as if to invite the ghosts to dance. Walking through the parks, ravens and crows staring at passers-by, so I wanted to join them, though, being a bear, I was much less scary.
Una simpaticissima guida poi, mi ha fatto scoprire storie sinistre di fantasmi ed esecuzioni a Smithfield, nella zona della Cattedrale di St. Paul, a ridosso della City, tra antiche e misteriose uccisioni, esecuzioni storiche come quella del patriota scozzese William Wallace, storie di fantasmi che animano ospedali e vigilano sulla buona riuscita delle cure, una passeggiata da brividi e non solo per la temperatura!
A very nice guide then, leaded us to discover sinister stories of ghosts and executions in Smithfield, in the area of St. Paul's Cathedral, near the City, between ancient and mysterious killings, executions like that of the historical Scottish patriot William Wallace, ghosts that animate hospitals and monitor the success of treatments, a shivers-walk and not just because of the temperature!
A very nice guide then, leaded us to discover sinister stories of ghosts and executions in Smithfield, in the area of St. Paul's Cathedral, near the City, between ancient and mysterious killings, executions like that of the historical Scottish patriot William Wallace, ghosts that animate hospitals and monitor the success of treatments, a shivers-walk and not just because of the temperature!
Meglio quindi rigenerare le energie con i Cupcake di Halloween e una bella tazza di te. Vista la quantità di gente che popola sempre la pasticceria di Lorraine Pascale a Covent Garden, mi sono procacciato 2 fantastici Cupcake da Sweet Couture, pasticceria poco distante e altrettanto buona, gustandomi deliziose tortine con quella copertura perfettamente equilibrata di burro e zucchero: niente di meglio per un orsetto come me che deve affrontare l'inverno!
It's better then to rebuild your energy with the Halloween Cupcake and a nice cup of tea. Due to the amount of people that always populate Lorraine Pascale's patisserie in Covent Garden, I went to Sweet Couture, nearby bakery and just as good, enjoying the delicious cakes with perfectly balanced coverage of butter and sugar: nothing better for a bear like me who has to face the winter!
It's better then to rebuild your energy with the Halloween Cupcake and a nice cup of tea. Due to the amount of people that always populate Lorraine Pascale's patisserie in Covent Garden, I went to Sweet Couture, nearby bakery and just as good, enjoying the delicious cakes with perfectly balanced coverage of butter and sugar: nothing better for a bear like me who has to face the winter!
Film e spettacoli a tema non si contavano, per questa volta ho optato per The Phantom of the Opera, intenso, coinvolgente, impressionante e assolutamente perfetto per ricordare che nulla possono i fantasmi e le tenebre contro la luce dell'amore e del bene.
Movies and theme shows could not be counted, for this time I opted for The Phantom of the Opera, intense, impressive and absolutely perfect to remember that nothing can the ghosts and the darkness against the light of love and goodness.
Movies and theme shows could not be counted, for this time I opted for The Phantom of the Opera, intense, impressive and absolutely perfect to remember that nothing can the ghosts and the darkness against the light of love and goodness.
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh invidia!!!!voglio venire anche ioa mangiarmi il cupcakes li!
RispondiEliminace ne sono di veramente buoni e la copertura fa la differenza! il mio preferito è il red velvet!!! :)