While the Bishop of Canterbury celebrated the Royal Christening in London I had the idea to go and visit Canterbury. It seemed an appropriate destination for a lot of reasons.
Innanzi tutto ero alla ricerca di una destinazione medievale per Halloween che si avvicina: fin da quando da piccolino guardavo E.T. ho sempre provato grande curiosità per questa festa, le cui versioni esportate non assomigliano davvero all'originale e in molti casi si sovrappongono zoppicando a tradizioni culturali differenti.
L'anno scorso fu l'occasione per un'interessantissima passeggiata guidata nel centro di Londra e delle sue storie più paurose, quest'anno volevo curiosare qualche località fuori dalla Capitale.
Infine volevo visitare Canterbury Tales Experience, museo di animazione dei Racconti di Canterbury di Geoffrey Chaucer: sono un orsetto sofisticato io!
Partendo da Southwark a Londra, esattamente come i protagonisti narranti dei Racconti (ma non a cavallo o a piedi come loro e nemmeno scappando dalla peste nera per fortuna!) sono dunque arrivato in questa perla medievale e ho fatto tutto quello che mi ero ripromesso.
Tanti gradini e corridoi per le mie zampette corte!!!
First of all I was looking for a medieval destination as Halloween approaches : as a baby ever since I watched ET I have always felt great curiosity for this party , of which the export does not really resemble the original, and in many cases overlaps without success to different cultural traditions .
Last year it was the occasion for a very interesting guided walk in the center of London and its most frightening stories , this year I wanted to look around a few places outside the capital .
Second reason: the presence of the Cathedral and the stories connected, first of all the mysterious murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket in 1170 .
Finally I wanted to visit Canterbury Tales Experience , museum of animation about Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer : I 'm a sophisticated Teddy bear !
Starting from Southwark in London , just like the protagonists of narrating stories (but not on horseback or on foot like them and even running away from the black plague thankfully! ) I therefore came to this medieval gem and I did everything I had promised myself .
Before the Cathedral, with its majesty , the nave which seems to reach the sky, the Martyrdom where exactly four horsemen killed Thomas Becket after a long dispute with King Henry II , the cloister (rich in heraldic symbols ) , the crypt , which houses , in the chapel of St. Gabriel ancient christians paintings and the Trinity chapel, where are the royal tombs.Lots of stairs and corridors for my short legs !
Così sono andato a visitare Canterbury Tales, ed ecco che mi sento arrivato a destinazione dopo il mio lungo viaggio da Londra: stanza dopo stanza vengo immerso nei racconti di Geoffrey Chaucer (ispirati al Decameron di Boccaccio) narrati dai protagonisti animati, tra luci soffuse e ombre in agguato... cliccate sul link per farvi un'idea: http://canterburytales.org.uk/
So I went to visit Canterbury Tales, and here I am, arrived at my final destination after my long journey from London: room after room I am immersed in the tales of Geoffrey Chaucer (inspired by Boccaccio's Decameron) narrated by animated characters, with soft lighting and shadows lurking ... Click on the link to get an idea: http://canterburytales.org.uk/
A questo punto c'era proprio bisogno di una pausa: niente di meglio di un bel te e Victoria Sponge Cake... un'altra delle mie passioni: bisogna proprio che trovi una bella ricettina su quella torta perchè è fenomenale con la sua pasta soffice e la marmellata che cola sulla crema di burro... un sollievo dopo tanto zampettare!
At this point I was just needed a break : nothing better than a nice tea and Victoria Sponge Cake ... another of my passions : I must find a good recipe on the cake because it is phenomenal with its soft dough and runny jam on the cream ... a relief after so much frolicking !
After this just charging , I went to take a look at the windows of the oldest streets full of potteries , pubs until an irresistible scent of milk, butter , sugar and chocolate came under my nose ... I turned the nose , and a door was magically open to the street : two guys inside worked and made up fudge as alchemists of all flavors and colors. I stuck my nose - Fudge Kitchen is the name : can be found here : http://www.fudgekitchen.co.uk/- and made me taste a piece of this delicious chocolate and orange . They describe him as " devilishly different" , it seemed to me a heavenly goodness . In fact , it was consumed no conflict between angels and demons in deciding to bring home a piece and one packet to prepare liquid : it will be the sweet memory of an unforgettable day once returned to London .
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